Kody entered my life in July 2004. She came at a time when I needed something to snap me out of
a sad and difficult time. I still was in mourning from the loss of my dear Mother. Also I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease. I also suffer from disk disease, so I was then unemployed.
My husband and family are the most important blessings in my life but still something was missing for me, especially with all my grown children out of the nest and hubby had his work.
Along came Kody Grace! She was/is such a joy each day. My "fur-angel" ;-)
I trained her with positive enforcement since she was 7 1/2 weeks old. She was a quick learner, perhaps a mind reader ;-) I knew she would be a great Therapy Dog. She passed the Canine Good Citizen test at 1 year old. Then, two years later, passed the test to become a Therapy Dog. This has been my dream since '99.
Our volunteering at facilities really brightened my life...and Kody's. This was meant to be!
It is so uplifting to be able to visit someone who is ill or down...and then see the light in their eyes when Kody visits them. It is SO rewarding and such a blessing to be able to do this.
Diane Kody's Mom :-)